Immunization Song

※ 予防接種を受けようよ
チックン ペッタン ゴックンコ
いろいろ いっぱい あるけれど※

わけてあります 元気のしるし
生ワク 不活化 トキソイド
生ワク受けたら あけるの4週間
不活化 トキソイドは 1週間
ましんは はしかと同じもの
生ワク一回 打つだけで
こわい はしかを防ぎます
小さい赤ちゃん 早くして
タマゴだめだめ こわい人は
相談しましょう 先生に

Immunization! Come On, Let's Go!
Got to keep those germs at bay!
Different ways to help you stay healthy everyday !

Immunization is the key to a healthy life.
Live vaccines need an interval of 4 weeks while dormant ones need (On'y one week)
To stamp out all diseases and to paint our future bright !
Toxoids, vaccines, live or otherwise, these are all our friends !
So visit your doctor and say, "Give me all the vaccines I need!"
To lead a strong, healthy and a powerful life,
Take care of things today !

Measles are terrible germs that make kids really sick.
Don't be afraid! girls and boys Immunization is the trick!
Unless you are allergic to eggs, it's a must for every kid
So take your vaccine for those measles, once is all you need!
Be sure to see your doctor and say, "I want my shot for measles today!"
Enjoy a safe, happy and a joyful life,
Immunize right away!

(Repeat Refrain)
※ 予防接種を受けようよ
チックン ペッタン ゴックンコ
いろいろ いっぱい あるけれど※

風疹は 3日ばしかと同じもの
生ワク一回 打つだけで
こわい風疹 防ぎます
女性は しっかり受けましょう
おなかの赤ちゃん こわくてビクビク
みんなで守ろう 赤ちゃんを
三混は 三人兄弟で
破傷風 百日咳 ジフテリア
5回の 不活化ワクチンで
こわい病気を 防ぎます
二混は 二人の兄弟さ
大きくなっても 忘れるな
German measles is a disease that spreads great doom.
It is really harmful to babies in their mother's womb.
So expectant mummies, take great care and guard against the gloom.

Have you vaccine for rubella, only one visit will do!
So go to your doctor and say, "I want my shot for rubella today!"
To have a long, peaceful and a hassle-free life,
Get immunized today!
DPT shots are painful, but they guard against a terrible plight.
Get 1, then 2, then 3 then 4 shots, so every child can fight
Then when you grow older get you 5th and final shot
Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus ! Vaccines will make them go!
So go to your doctor and say, 'Start my DPT shots today!"
Enjoy a bright, blissful and a trouble-free life,
Let's get our shots today!

(Repeat Refrain)
※ 予防接種を受けようよ
チックン ペッタン ゴックンコ
いろいろ いっぱい あるけれど※

日脳は チックン注射だよ
ブンブン とぶ蚊が原因の
こわい脳炎 防ぎます
日本以外にも まだまだあるんだ
注意してよ 危険だよ
ツ反は 結核 調べます
お豆をつくって 調べます
二日たった そのあとで
お豆の大きさ はかります
BCGは はんこでペッタンコ
ブツブツ できても 大丈夫
Japanese encephalitis is another dreadful disease.
Caused by mosquito bites as you travel near or overseas.
Have 5 shots of vaccine, and you won't end up "weak in the knees"
Deadly "J.E." can be avoided
"How?! " "The immunization way!
So go to your doctor and say, "Give me all the vaccines I need!"
Let's have a great, fun-filled and a wonderful life,
Let's get our shots today!
A skin test will tell you if you're infected with TB germs
A tiny injection produces a bump that's checked within a two-day term
The BCG stamp is the way to protect all babies from TB
Don't be concerned about the mark that breaks

It become less visible day by day
So go to your doctor and say, "I want my BCG stamp today".
To have a fit, fearless and enjoyable life,
Let's get that test today!

(Repeat Refrain)
7. ※ 予防接種を受けようよ
チックン ペッタン ゴックンコ
いろいろ いっぱい あるけれど※

ポリオは ごっくん 飲むんだよ
1回2回 生ワクチン
あいだ あけるの 6週間
こわい ポリオを 防ぎます
飲んだあとは お腹ピーピー
だけど心配ないさ 元気なら
8. いつも笑顔で 遊ぶため
悪い病気から 守るため
ちょっとや そっとで 負けないぞ
強いからだと 元気のパワー
みんなで 正しく覚えましょう
予防接種の 受け方を
Vaccines for polio are ingested through the mouth.
Twice in a period of six short weeks will surely keep that polio out!
Your tummy might hurt, just a wee bit
But don't you worry at all!
Take your vaccines through ingestion
And you'll be on your way!
So go to your doctor and say," I want to get my vaccines today!"
To have a long, sturdy and stress-free life,
Get immunized today!

Immunization is the key to a healthy life.
Smiling faces and happy places, a world that's sunny and bright!
A land full of healthy children, singing and dancing in the light!

So let's hold hands and together let's shout
So let us all jump up and say, "Our wonderful world's here to stay!"
Let's have a strong, healthy and a worry-free life,
Take care of things today!