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FDA Can't Expect All Drug Risk Info in Web Ads: Experts2009.11.13

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration can't expect online drug ads to contain all the required risk information, drug and advertising experts said at an FDA meeting Thursday.
The two-day (Thursday and Friday) session, convened by the FDA in order to get input on how it should regulate drug ads on the Internet, has attracted several hundred drug, advertising and social media specialists, Dow Jones Newswires reported.
The drug industry lobby group Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America suggested that the FDA create a universal logo that would indicate a Web site displays accurate information about drug risks.
But some at the meeting questioned how the FDA could guarantee the accuracy of information when Web sites are often updated daily or even hourly, Dow Jones reported.
It's believed the FDA won't release any drug industry Web ad guidelines or regulations for at least a year.
