
The medications we prescribed

Antihistamine Medications [Ointments]

Like runny nose and stuffiness, itch is one of allergic symptoms as well. Insect bite or other irritation can cause the body to release a substance called histamine, a chemical that causes allergic symptoms. Antihistamine medications act by inhibiting histamine release and are used for relief of itching. Generally, antihistamines are prescribed for relief of skin itching due to eczema, insect bites and hives etc. If there is a strong itching or there are scratching injures and oozing, topical steroids are usually applied. Once the skin inflammation is gradually settled, antihistamines are applied to relieve of the skin itching. For hives, along with ointment, oral antihistamines are usually applied.
Apply to the affected area 2 to 3 times daily depending on symptoms.
Do not apply to near eyes and mucosa.

Restamin Ointment

Side Effects
Redness, swelling, itching and oozing etc.

Crotamiton Ointment

Side Effects
Burning, stinging, smarting and redness etc. @@There may be slight burning after application, but usually it will disappear shortly. ! If there are side effects, you should stop using and visit your doctor.